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Subtypes of Concussion: Understanding the Spectrum of Mild Traumatic Brian Injuries

Posted On: 05/15/2024

Concussions are a common form of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that can occur as a blow to the head, violent shaking or a sudden jolt. While many are able to recover from these injuries quickly, some may experience symptoms that persist for an extended period, sometimes weeks or months after the initial injury. These individuals may experience a variety of physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms. Recently, researchers have categorized concussion symptoms into subtypes, which provide a framework for understanding and treatment.


Cognitive: This subtype affects cognitive functions, leading to symptoms such as memory loss, difficulty concentrating, slowed information processing and brain fog. People also may experience word-finding issues, which is related to reduced processing speed.

Vestibular: Vestibular concussion involves disruptions to the inner ear, leading to symptoms such as dizziness, imbalance, and spatial disorientation. Addressing these symptoms is essential for restoring balance and coordination

Ocular-motor: These symptoms impact eye movement and coordination. Individuals may experience difficulties with focusing, tracking objects, and maintaining visual stability.

Cervical: Cervical concussion involves injuries to the neck and cervical spine, which may lead to neck pain, stiffness, and headaches.

Migraine: Some individuals experience migraines triggered by or exacerbated by concussions. Understanding the connection between migraines and concussion is crucial for developing treatments that address both aspects of the condition.

Anxiety/mood-related symptoms: Anxiety and mood symptoms can manifest as emotional changes, including increased anxiety, irritability, depression or general feeling of lack of control of emotional reaction. Recognizing the impact of concussion on mental health is essential for providing holistic care, integrating mental health support into concussion management.

Concussions are not a one-size-fits-all injury, and recognizing where in the subtype spectrum your symptoms fall is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. As our understanding of concussion evolves, so too does our ability to tailor treatment plans to address the unique characteristics of each subtypes. At Neuro Rehab, our physical, occupational and speech therapists provide a comprehensive approach that aims to address the unique challenges posed by each subtype. This provides a more effective recovery and improved quality of life for those affected by these common, but complex brain injuries.

Contact Neuro Rehab today to see how our specialized therapy team can help with your recovery!

Neuro Rehab
2135 Charlotte St, Suite 3, Bozeman, MT
Phone: 406.586.8030